Hello! If you're here it's because you're reading it over gopher! I *could* give you the same about-me that I give over HTTP, but I think gopher travelers deserve a bit more of a personal introduction :) My name is Alex, and I'm a programmer in the Boston area where I live with my fiance and our two cats. I'm in my mid-twenties and working at my second post-college tech job at https://studio.com trying to keep things running smoothly as the "lead tooling and infra engineer". I'm a huge fan of FOSS, Operating Systems (OpenBSD and Linux), version control, and dev-tooling, and I spend my evenings learning to sysadmin and rediscovering old internet protocols. One day I hope to work on OSDev (or at least remotely lower in the stack), but it's proving slow to teach myself the ropes. When I'm not toying with pipes and CLI tools, I spend my time hiking, jamming with my brother, and playing board games with friends. If you think any of this is cool, drop me a line! gopher@alexkarle.com --- Last updated: Fri Sep 23 00:17:15 EDT 2022