prefers-color-scheme 'dark' on Firefox ====================================== Wed Jan 19 23:37:28 EST 2022 The prefers-color-scheme media query [1] has become the de-facto way of auto selecting a darker theme on many sites. The only problem is that it _seems_ that Firefox takes its hints from the underlying desktop environment, and I usually run window managers without this magical attribute set. I found this about:config variable a while back to trick firefox into thinking I'm using a dark "system theme", which works great, but I always forget it (it can't be versioned in my dotfiles!), so here it is in my gopher notes: 1. Go to about:config 2. Add a new property with the name: ui.systemUsesDarkTheme 3. Set the value to "Number" and "1". No booleans allowed! [1]: