Optimizing for Archival ----------------------- Sun Nov 21 13:56:35 EST 2021 --- Written on my desktop while Jennie mod-podge's the puzzle we put together last weekend for framing. --- If you've read any of my previous posts, it's no secret that one of the reasons I'm really enjoying phlogging is the plaintext content. I wanted to call out one of my favorite side-effects of plaintext entries: ease of archiving. Browsing gopherspace, it's clear that plaintext is among the most suitable formats for long term storage. Look at quux.org's treasure trove of historical documents. Or all of the IETF RFC's. Plain ascii-encoded files seem to be a guaranteed way to ensure your content is not only readable in the future, but easy to archive for that future. This is actually one of my biggest beefs with mdoc(7). It's a great semantic language, but it's not really that legible in its raw form. It's a safe bet for archival--given that so much of our historical manuals are written in it, it seems that interpreters like mandoc(1) will be around for a while; however, it's still dependent on external tools for proper viewing. Same with HTML--you need a browser or interpreter to read it. I think this is one of the strengths of markdown--even in a post-HTML future, the markdown source will be archived and readable. However, I kind-of like explicitly scoping the content to _just_ ascii and not focusing on *any* other presentation format other than the source. It's all too common to get markdown files that are illegible because the author cares more about the way GitHub renders it than the way it looks in an editor (unwrapped lines, massive amounts of image URLs, non-prettified tables, etc). I take comfort knowing I'll be able to `cat` this file two decades from now and still remember what I was thinking :)