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acme-index.html (4655B) [raw]

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4 <meta charset="utf-8"/>
      5 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
      6 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
      7 <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">
      8 <!-- Inspired by -->
      9 <style>
     10 /* inlined via bin/genpage to limit network calls */
     11 html {
     12   max-width: 85ch;
     13   margin: auto;
     14   font-size: 1em;
     15   font-family: sans-serif;
     16   background: #757a76;  /* rio gray */
     17 }
     18 body {
     19   margin: 12px 0 12px 0;
     20 }
     21 #acme {
     22   border: 4px solid #58a9aa; /* rio aqua */
     23   background: #ffffea; /* acme yellow */
     24 }
     25 #content {
     26   margin: 0 12px 0 12px;
     27   padding: 6px;
     28   border-left: 1px solid #9a984b;
     29 }
     30 #home-tag {
     31   width: 100%;
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     35   box-sizing: border-box;
     36 }
     37 #tag {
     38   display: block;
     39   background: #eafeff;
     40   padding-left: 4px;
     41   border-left: 13px solid #8887c9;
     42   border-bottom: 1px solid #8887c9;
     43 }
     44 code { font-family: consolas, courier, monospace; }
     45 h1 { font-size: 1.5em; }
     46 h2 { font-size: 1.2em; }
     47 h3 { font-size: 1.1em; }
     48 blockquote, pre {
     49   overflow: auto;
     50   padding: 10px;
     51   border: 2px solid black;
     52 }
     53 ::selection {
     54   background: #eeeda0;
     55 }
     56 #tag::selection, #home-tag::selection, #home-tag a::selection {
     57   background: #9fefe7;
     58 }
     59 a {
     60   color: #020097;
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     62 }
     63 a:visited {
     64   color: #400070;
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     66 }
     67 a:hover {
     68   text-decoration: underline;
     69 }
     70 </style>
     71 <title>Welcome</title>
     72 </head>
     73 <body>
     74 <div id="acme">
     75 <div id="home-tag">
     76 <a href="/">Home</a>
     77 <a href="/blog">Blog</a>
     78 <a href="/license.html">License</a>
     79 </div>
     80 <div id="tag">
     81 /home/alex
     82 Del Snarf Get | Look</div>
     83 <div id="content">
     84 <h1>Welcome</h1>
     85 <h2>About Me</h2>
     86 <p>
     87 Hi!  I'm Alex.  I'm a software engineer living near Boston, MA.
     88 By day I work at a remote startup as
     89 a backend generalist and infrastructure/tooling specialist.
     90 By night I spend my time exploring niche operating
     91 systems like <a href="/blog/exploring-plan9.html">Plan 9</a>, perusing the
     92 "smolweb" via internet protocols like <a href="/blog/burrowing.html">Gopher</a>,
     93 and sysadmin-ing <a href="/blog/starting-a-tilde.html">several servers</a>.
     94 Occasionally, I might write about it here on my <a href="/blog">blog</a>.
     95 </p>
     96 <p>
     97 Outside of tech, I enjoy playing music, hiking, and a good board
     98 game shared among friends.
     99 </p>
    100 <h2>About This Site</h2>
    101 <p>
    102 This site is an ever-changing hobby project where I use the
    103 markup and build system as an excuse to learn and/or build new
    104 tools.
    105 </p>
    106 <p>
    107 In 2020, I <a href="/blog/my-old-man.html">rewrote the site</a> as a series
    108 of man-pages in <a href=""><code>mdoc(7)</code></a>,
    109 writing new blog posts in the language and developing a toolchain
    110 to <a href="/blog/use-feeds.html">support feeds</a>, <a href="/blog/text-only.html">text-only versions</a>,
    111 and eventually a <a href="/blog/burrowing.html">gopher mirror</a>.
    112 </p>
    113 <p>
    114 At the end of 2021, I really wanted a lower-friction medium to
    115 blog on (akin to the plaintext I was writing on my
    116 <a href="gopher://">phlog</a>).  Looking to keep the
    117 site buildable by base OpenBSD as a
    118 <a href="/blog/creative-coding.html">creative limitation</a>,
    119 I took the opportunity to write my own
    120 lightweight markup parser, <a href=""><code>nihdoc</code></a>.
    121 </p>
    122 <p>
    123 Currently, this site is an homage to <a href="">Plan 9</a>
    124 and its editor/interface <a href="">Acme</a>.
    125 </p>
    126 <p>
    127 <a href="/atom.xml">Stay tuned</a> for more!
    128 </p>
    129 <h2>Projects Found Here</h2>
    130 <ul>
    131 <li>
    132 <a href="/blog">yet another weblog</a>: Thoughts on tech and life
    133 </li>
    134 <li>
    135 <a href=""></a>: A Euchre web-app for my family
    136 </li>
    137 <li>
    138 <a href="/jam-tuesday">jam-tuesday</a>: An archive of my jam setlists
    139 </li>
    140 <li>
    141 <a href="/uses.html">uses</a>: Software and hardware that I use
    142 </li>
    143 <li>
    144 <a href="gopher://">gopher://</a>: my gopherhole -- phlog, notes &amp; more!
    145 </li>
    146 <li>
    147 <a href=""></a>: A personal git server
    148 </li>
    149 </ul>
    150 <h2>Contact / Elsewhere</h2>
    151 <ul>
    152 <li>
    153 Email: <em>contact AT this-domain</em>
    154 </li>
    155 <li>
    156 IRC: <code>akarle</code> on <a href=""></a>
    157 </li>
    158 <li>
    159 sourcehut: <a href=""><code>~akarle</code></a>
    160 </li>
    161 <li>
    162 Resume: <code>$ curl -sS | mandoc -l</code>
    163 # <a href="">PDF</a>
    164 </li>
    165 </ul>
    166 </div>
    167 </div>
    168 </body>
    169 </html>