# What's in a (Domain) Name _Published: March 24, 2020_ I went through a phase this week of really wanting `karle.[original-tld]`. Not for a business. Not for boosting my own webpage (it doesn't really have much traffic). Just for me. The results were... disheartening. *karle.org* Registered since 2004, no website, just an email DNS record. WHOIS guard ensures I can't even reach out to who owns it. *karle.com* For sale by owner on Uniregistry. Ok. Inquired. Owner wants a "serious 5 figure offer". Next! *karle.net* Owned by [RealNames](https://realnames.com), a business seemingly centered around buying lastname.net domains and charging people like me to set up an email. Almost brilliant enough of a business to make me forgive their scumminess. _Almost._ Nary an option to buy it. ## Conclusion So here we are. Looks like `karle.co` for at least a little longer. *Update:* I've settled on alexkarle.com and plan to use it for the foreseeable future. [Back to blog](/blog)