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sol.scm (3346B) [raw]

      1 #!/usr/local/bin/chicken-csi -ss
      2 (import srfi-69
      3         (chicken string)
      4         (chicken io))
      6 (define (n-of-v n v)
      7   (if (= 0 n)
      8       '()
      9       (cons v (n-of-v (sub1 n) v))))
     11 (define (parse-line l)
     12   (let* ((parts (string-split l))
     13      (v (string->symbol (car parts)))
     14      (n (string->number (cadr parts))))
     15     (n-of-v n v)))
     17 (define (move pt dir)
     18   (let ((x (car pt)) (y (cadr pt)))
     19     (cond ((eq? dir 'U) (list x (add1 y)))
     20       ((eq? dir 'D) (list x (sub1 y)))
     21       ((eq? dir 'L) (list (sub1 x) y))
     22       ((eq? dir 'R) (list (add1 x) y))
     23       (else (error "Bad dir " dir)))))
     25 (define (adjacent? a b)
     26   (let ((xa (car a)) (ya (cadr a))
     27     (xb (car b)) (yb (cadr b)))
     28     (and (<= (abs (- xa xb)) 1)
     29          (<= (abs (- ya yb)) 1))))
     31 ; -10 -> -1, 4 -> 1, 0 -> 0
     32 (define (unitize v)
     33   (if (= v 0)
     34       0
     35       (/ v (abs v))))
     37 ; idea: head has moved, t to follow, returns new t
     38 ; (0 2) (0 0) -> (0 1)
     39 ; (1 3) (0 1) -> (1 2)
     40 ; if one dim is the same -> just move 1 in other dim
     41 ; if both dims diff -> move 1 in both dims
     42 ; IOW, move 1 in all directions changed
     43 (define (follow h t)
     44   (if (adjacent? h t)
     45       t
     46       (let* ((xh (car h)) (yh (cadr h))
     47              (xt (car t)) (yt (cadr t))
     48              (dx (- xh xt)) (dy (- yh yt)))
     49         (list (+ xt (unitize dx)) (+ yt (unitize dy))))))
     51 (define (move-all dir knots tail-locs)
     52   ; only the head moves according to dir, everything else follows
     53   (let ((new-head (move (car knots) dir)))
     54     (let loop ((nh new-head) (tails (cdr knots)))
     55       (if (null? tails)
     56           (begin
     57             (hash-table-set! tail-locs nh 'seen)
     58             (list nh))
     59           (if (adjacent? nh (car tails))
     60               ; omptimization: can stop -- nothing else will move
     61               (cons nh tails)
     62               (cons nh (loop (follow nh (car tails)) (cdr tails))))))))
     64 ;; NOTE: at first I was purely functional with cons-ing the
     65 ;; the h2,t2 to a history and then pulling unique t2's later
     66 ;; but that took 10s and it takes .2s to use a hash table :shrug:
     67 (define (play-out dirs knots tail-locs)
     68   (let loop ((knots knots) (dirs dirs))
     69     (if (null? dirs)
     70     'done
     71     (let ((ks (move-all (car dirs) knots tail-locs)))
     72       ; (newline)
     73       ; (plot-state ks)
     74       ; (newline)
     75       (loop ks (cdr dirs))))))
     77 (define (main args)
     78   (let* ((dirs (flatten (map parse-line (read-lines))))
     79          (tail-locs-1 (make-hash-table))
     80          (tail-locs-2 (make-hash-table)))
     81     (hash-table-set! tail-locs-1 '(0 0) 'start)
     82     (hash-table-set! tail-locs-2 '(0 0) 'start)
     83     (play-out dirs (n-of-v 2 '(0 0)) tail-locs-1)
     84     (play-out dirs (n-of-v 10 '(0 0)) tail-locs-2)
     85     (print (hash-table-size tail-locs-1))
     86     (print (hash-table-size tail-locs-2))))
     89 ;; helpful for debugging!
     90 (define (plot-state knots)
     91   (print knots)
     92   (let loopi ((i -20))
     93     (if (<= i 20)
     94         (let loopj ((j -20))
     95           (if (<= j 20)
     96               (begin
     97                 (if (member (list j (* -1 i)) knots)
     98                     (display "#")
     99                     (display "."))
    100                 (loopj (add1 j)))
    101               (begin
    102                 (newline)
    103                 (loopi (add1 i))))))))
    105 ;; For repl
    106 (define slines '("R 4"
    107                  "U 4"
    108                  "L 3"
    109                  "D 1"
    110                  "R 4"
    111                  "D 1"
    112                  "L 5"
    113                  "R 2"))