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sol.scm (4011B) [raw]

      1 #!/usr/local/bin/chicken-csi -ss
      2 (import srfi-69
      3 	(chicken string)
      4 	(chicken io))
      6 ;; parse a line into a list of all points covered by rocks
      7 (define (parse-line line)
      8   (let ((pairs (map (lambda (p) (map string->number (string-split p ",")))
      9 		     (string-split line " ->"))))
     10     (let loop ((points '()) (ps pairs))
     11       (if (null? (cdr ps))
     12 	  points
     13 	  (let ((x1 (car (car ps))) (y1 (cadr (car ps)))
     14 		(x2 (car (cadr ps))) (y2 (cadr (cadr ps))))
     15 	    (cond ((and (= x1 x2) (not (= y1 y2)))
     16 		   (loop (append points
     17 				 (zip (n-of-v (add1 (abs (- y1 y2))) x1)
     18 				      (range y1 y2)))
     19 			 (cdr ps)))
     20 		  ((and (= y1 y2) (not (= x1 x2)))
     21 		   (loop (append points
     22 				 (zip (range x1 x2)
     23 				      (n-of-v (add1 (abs (- x1 x2))) y1)))
     24 			 (cdr ps)))
     25 		  (else "More than one dim changed")))))))
     27 ; [s, ..., f] inclusive
     28 (define (range s f)
     29   (let ((next (if (<= s f) add1 sub1)))
     30     (if (equal? s f)
     31 	(list f)
     32 	(cons s (range (next s) f)))))
     34 (define (n-of-v n v)
     35   (if (= n 0)
     36       '()
     37       (cons v (n-of-v (sub1 n) v))))
     39 (define (zip l1 l2)
     40   (if (not (= (length l1) (length l2)))
     41       (error "Bad zip: lengths not equal"))
     42   (if (null? l1)
     43       '()
     44       (cons (list (car l1) (car l2)) (zip (cdr l1) (cdr l2)))))
     46 (define (print-grid G)
     47   (let* ((keys (hash-table-keys G))
     48 	 (max-x (apply max (map (lambda (pt) (car pt)) keys)))
     49 	 (min-x (apply min (map (lambda (pt) (car pt)) keys)))
     50 	 (max-y (apply max (map (lambda (pt) (cadr pt)) keys)))
     51 	 (min-y 0))
     52     (let yloop ((y min-y))
     53       (newline)
     54       (if (> y max-y)
     55 	  'done
     56 	  (let xloop ((x min-x))
     57 	    (if (> x max-x)
     58 		(yloop (add1 y))
     59 		(cond ((hash-table-exists? G (list x y))
     60 		       (display (hash-table-ref G (list x y)))
     61 		       (xloop (add1 x)))
     62 		      (else (display ".")
     63 			    (xloop (add1 x))))))))))
     65 ; just for brevity
     66 (define (empty? G x y) (not (hash-table-exists? G (list x y))))
     68 (define (drop-sand G x y cliff)
     69   (cond ((> y cliff)  ; fell off the map -> we're done
     70 	 #f)
     71 	((empty? G x (add1 y))
     72 	 (drop-sand G x (add1 y) cliff))
     73 	; we're blocked at this point, try left/right
     74 	((empty? G (sub1 x) (add1 y))
     75 	 (drop-sand G (sub1 x) (add1 y) cliff))
     76 	((empty? G (add1 x) (add1 y))
     77 	 (drop-sand G (add1 x) (add1 y) cliff))
     78 	(else
     79 	 (hash-table-set! G (list x y) 'o))))
     81 (define (empty-incl-floor? G x y floor)
     82   (not (or (hash-table-exists? G (list x y))
     83 	   (= y floor))))
     85 (define (drop-sand-floor G x y floor)
     86   (cond ((empty-incl-floor? G x (add1 y) floor)
     87 	 (drop-sand-floor G x (add1 y) floor))
     88 	; we're blocked at this point, try left/right
     89 	((empty-incl-floor? G (sub1 x) (add1 y) floor)
     90 	 (drop-sand-floor G (sub1 x) (add1 y) floor))
     91 	((empty-incl-floor? G (add1 x) (add1 y) floor)
     92 	 (drop-sand-floor G (add1 x) (add1 y) floor))
     93 	(else
     94 	 (if (and (= x 500) (= y 0))
     95 	     #f  ; plugged the start -> done
     96 	     (hash-table-set! G (list x y) 'o)))))
     98 ;; We map the world state as a hash table (effectively a sparse matrix)
     99 ;; so that we don't have to guess the vector dimensions first
    100 (define (main args)
    101   (let ((G (make-hash-table)) (lines (read-lines)))
    102     (hash-table-set! G '(500 0) 'V)
    103     (for-each (lambda (l)
    104 		(for-each (lambda (pt)
    105 			    (hash-table-set! G pt 'R)) (parse-line l)))
    106 	      lines)
    107     (let* ((cliff (apply max (map (lambda (pt) (cadr pt)) (hash-table-keys G))))
    108 	   (floor (+ 2 cliff)))
    109       ;; note: could also just count the number of 'o values instead of i
    110       (let loop ((i 0))
    111 	; (print "------" i "-------")
    112 	; (print-grid G)
    113 	(if (drop-sand G 500 0 cliff)
    114 	    (loop (add1 i))
    115 	    ;; HACK: we can keep the same grid, since we stopped RIGHT at the point
    116 	    ;; we'd hit the floor anyways--just make sure to sum your numbers together!
    117 	    (let floop ((j 0))
    118 	      ;; (print "------" j "-------")
    119 	      ;; (print-grid G)
    120 	      (if (drop-sand-floor G 500 0 floor)
    121 		  (floop (add1 j))
    122 		  (begin
    123 		    (print i)
    124 		    (print (+ i (add1 j)))))))))
    125       (print-grid G)))
    127 ; For repl
    128 (define ls '("498,4 -> 498,6 -> 496,6"
    129 	     "503,4 -> 502,4 -> 502,9 -> 494,9"))