
chess PGN replay in the terminal
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cheeplay.scm (2697B) [raw]

      1 #!/usr/local/bin/chicken-csi -ss
      2 (import (chicken io)
      3         (chicken format)
      4         (chicken irregex)
      5         (chicken string))
      7 ; TODO: use a vector!
      8 (define (newboard)
      9   '(BR BN BB BQ BK BB BN BR
     10     BP BP BP BP BP BP BP BP
     11     x x x x x x x x
     12     x x x x x x x x
     13     x x x x x x x x
     14     x x x x x x x x
     15     WP WP WP WP WP WP WP WP
     16     WR WN WB WQ WK WB WN WR))
     18 (define (prpiece x i)
     19   ; Print the unicode version of the piece
     20   (display (format "~A "
     21     (cond
     22       ((eq? 'x x) (if (= 0 (modulo (+ i (floor (/ i 8))) 2)) "■" "□"))
     23       ((eq? 'BK x) "♔")
     24       ((eq? 'BQ x) "♕")
     25       ((eq? 'BR x) "♖")
     26       ((eq? 'BB x) "♗")
     27       ((eq? 'BN x) "♘")
     28       ((eq? 'BP x) "♙")
     29       ((eq? 'WK x) "♚")
     30       ((eq? 'WQ x) "♛")
     31       ((eq? 'WR x) "♜")
     32       ((eq? 'WB x) "♝")
     33       ((eq? 'WN x) "♞")
     34       ((eq? 'WP x) "♟")
     35       (else (error "bad piece!"))))))
     37 (define (prboard board)
     38   (let loop ((b board) (i 0))
     39     (if (not (null? b))
     40       (begin
     41         (if (and (> i 0) (= (modulo i 8) 0)) (newline))
     42         (prpiece (car b) i)
     43         (loop (cdr b) (+ i 1)))))
     44   (newline))
     46 (define (findpiece name m)
     47   ; given a name 'BQ' and a next move, return coord pair of piece
     48   (newline)
     49   )
     52 (define (move board m)
     53   ; deciphers move m and returns a new board w updates
     54   (cond
     55     ; turn counts have no effect on the board
     56     ((irregex-match "^[0-9]+\\.$" m) board)
     57     ; Regular move
     58     ((irregex-match "^[QKNBR]?[a-h]?[1-8]?x?[a-h][1-8][+#]?$" m) board)
     59     ; Castle
     60     ((irregex-match "^O-O$" m) board)
     61     ; TODO: queen's side castle
     62     ; ((irregex-match "^O-O-O$" m) board)
     63     ; TODO: Promotion of a pawn
     64     ; ((irregex-match "^[a-h][1-8]=[QNBR][+#]?$" m) board)
     65     ; End game
     66     ; TODO: return state of game for display
     67     ((irregex-match "^0-1$" m) board)
     68     ((irregex-match "^1-0$" m) board)
     69     ((irregex-match "^1/2-1/2$" m) board)
     70     (else (error (format "bad move! ~A\n" m)))))
     73 (define (replay file)
     74   (call-with-input-file file (lambda (p)
     75     (define (parse section board)
     76       (let ((l (read-line p)))
     77         (if (not (eof-object? l))
     78           (if (eq? section 'tag)
     79             (begin (print l)
     80               (if (equal? l "")
     81                 (parse 'movetext board)
     82                 (parse 'tag board)))
     83             (let loop ((tokens (string-split l " ")))
     84               (if (not (null? tokens))
     85                 (begin
     86                   (print (car tokens))
     87                   (move board (car tokens))
     88                   (loop (cdr tokens)))
     89                 (parse 'movetext board)))))))
     90     (parse 'tag (newboard)))))
     92 (define (main args)
     93   (if (null? args)
     94     (display "usage: cheeplay FILE.pgn\n")
     95     (replay (car args))))