# Common muttrc -- source in muttrc.local # In pursuit of an email client that sucks less ################################################################################ # General / Behavior set ssl_force_tls = yes # Require encrypted connection # Attachments set mailcap_path=~/.config/mutt/mailcap auto_view text/html # tell mutt to load HTML via mailcap alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html # prefer plaintext # Fetching Mail set mail_check=90 # From the manual, over IMAP, 90 reasonable value set timeout=15 # mutt blocks mail check if no user input # Caching (speeds up IMAP considerably to not redownload every time) set header_cache="~/.config/mutt/cache" set message_cachedir="~/.config/mutt/cache" # BCC self to show up in INBOX my_hdr BCC: $from # Use the `abook` program for contact management/completions set query_command="abook --mutt-query '%s'" # Enables shelling out in macros without a pause set wait_key=no ################################################################################ # Appearance / Layout set sort=threads set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received # Show some index in the pager set pager_index_lines=6 # Restrict quotes to |, :, and > (default has } and # which match code) set quote_regexp="^([ \t]*[|>:])+" color index yellow black ~U color quoted green black color quoted1 blue black color quoted2 magenta black color quoted3 yellow black color quoted4 red black # Patch highting color body green black "^\\+.*" color body red black "^-.*" color body magenta black "^\\+\\+\\+ b/.*" color body magenta black "^--- a/.*" color body magenta black "^@@.*@@" color body magenta black "^@@.*@@" color body magenta black "^diff --git.*" color body magenta black "^index [0-9a-z]{7}\\.\\.[0-9a-z]{7}.*" ################################################################################ # Bindings # I've chosen to customize-as-I-go on these. Some general guiding rules: # 1. Vi-like # - Obvious reasons # 2. Non-destructive # - Especially as a newby, its **the worst** to have CTRL-D # which I spam in Vim for half-down to delete 5-10 messages # in the pager before I've realized what I've done. # Navigation bind pager j next-line bind pager k previous-line bind index G last-entry bind pager G bottom bind index,pager g noop # good practice, as gg prevents g from binding bind index gg first-entry bind pager gg top bind index,pager \CD half-down bind index,pager \CU half-up bind index,pager d half-down bind index,pager u half-up bind index,pager previous-unread bind index,pager next-unread bind index,pager next-unread # Functional bind index,pager h help bind index,pager ? search-reverse bind index N search-opposite bind index,pager R group-reply bind index \CN toggle-new bind attach view-mailcap bind editor complete-query # Used for contact-completion # Macros macro index,pager ga "abook --add-email-quiet" "Add sender to abook contacts" macro index g$ "mbsync -a" "Sync with mbsync" # set send_multipart_alternative=ask-no # set send_multipart_alternative_filter=markdown2html