
Euchre web-app for the socially distant family
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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3   <head>
      4     <meta charset="utf-8">
      5     <link href="suits/H.svg" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />
      6     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      7     <style>
      8       body {
      9           background-color: #F5F5F5;
     10           font-family: sans-serif;
     11           margin-left: 20px;
     12           margin-right: 20px;
     13           font-size: 1em;
     14           padding-top: 5em;
     15           padding-bottom: 5em;
     16       }
     18       tt {
     19           font-family: "Courier New", monospace;
     20           font-size: 1em;
     21       }
     23       @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) {
     24           body {
     25               width: 60%;
     26               margin: 0 auto;
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     30       h1, #logo {
     31           text-align: center;
     32       }
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     35           color: #0066cc;
     36       }
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     39         background-color: #00b359;
     40         color: white;
     41         font-family: monospace;
     42         padding: .7em;
     43         border-radius: .5em;
     44         text-decoration: none;
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     46         font-size: 2.5em;
     47         margin: .2em;
     48         cursor: pointer;
     49       }
     50     </style>
     51     <title>Euchre Live!!</title>
     52   </head>
     53   <body>
     54     <h1>Welcome to <tt>euchre-live!</tt></h1>
     55     <div id="logo">
     56        <img src="suits/H.svg" alt="Hearts" width="10%">
     57        <img src="suits/D.svg" alt="Diamonds" width="10%">
     58        <img src="suits/S.svg" alt="Spades" width="10%">
     59        <img src="suits/C.svg" alt="Clubs" width="10%">
     60     </div>
     62     <h3>What is This Site?</h3>
     64     <p>
     65       <tt>euchre-live</tt> is a
     66       <a href="">free and open source</a>
     67       web-app to play Euchre, an old 19th century card game.
     68     </p>
     70     <p>
     71       It was developed by Alex and Chris Karle, with a focus on
     72       enabling their family to play the game socially-distantly during
     73       the COVID-19 Pandemic.
     74     </p>
     76     <p>
     77       Active development stopped around the time we could gather around a
     78       table again, but the basics are there and you're welcome to play a hand!
     79     </p>
     81     <div style="text-align: center">
     82       <a id="play-btn" href="/game">Play Now</a>
     83     </div>
     85     <h3>How do I Play?</h3>
     87     <p>
     88       There's multiple good resources online, but
     89       <a href="">this</a>
     90       is a good place to start!
     91     </p>
     93     <h3>Think this is cool?</h3>
     95     <p>
     96       Don't be a stranger! Drop us a line at
     97       <a href="mailto:~akarle/">Alex's public inbox</a>.
     98     </p>
    100     <h3>Reporting Issues</h3>
    101     <p>
    102       Active development having stopped short of full-polish, we expect there
    103       may be a few issues every once and a while.
    104     </p>
    105     <p>
    106       If you find any issues, don't hesitate to
    107       <a href="">report them</a>.
    108     </p>
    109   </body>
    110 </html>