--- title: garbash nofooter: true --- Welcome ======= ``` . '). /;(( .'____`. | g | create | a | something | r | worth | bash | rewriting `-____-' ``` garbash was an invite-only [tilde](https://tildeverse.org) community that was retired in early 2023. [~alex's page](/garbash/~alex) as well as the [config] were kept for historical purposes, and has some info on how to set up a tilde, should you be interested! To all who participated--thanks, it was fun! **NOTE:** As of 2024 the garbash.com domain was decommissioned. I've updated any URLs to alexkarle.com, but left tutorials referencing it where appropriate. It's been snatched up by domain squatters, so don't go visiting :( [config]: https://git.alexkarle.com/garbash-config