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help.vim (1135B) [raw]

      1 " Some folding settings I like to use for writing Vim plugin documentation
      2 " Won't work universally, but doesn't hurt to enable
      4 " Simple fold function to fold until the next ===== or ------
      5 function! DocTxtFoldExpr(lnum) abort
      6     if getline(a:lnum + 1) =~ '^\(=\+\|-\+\)$'
      7         return '<1'
      8     else
      9         return 1
     10     endif
     11 endfunction
     13 " Fold Text that prints number lines folded, a preview of what header it is,
     14 " and the section name. Attempted to align nicely, but it breaks with tabs
     15 " -    6 lines: ===== INTRO .....
     16 " -   12 lines: ----- Example .....
     17 function! DocTxtFoldText() abort
     18     let l = getline(v:foldstart)
     19     let lp1 = getline(v:foldstart + 1)
     20     let num_lines = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
     21     let lines_text = printf("%4s", num_lines) . ' lines:'
     22     let header_preview = l[0:5]
     23     let section_name = lp1[0:stridx(lp1, '   ')]
     24     if section_name !~ ' $'
     25         let section_name = section_name . ' '
     26     endif
     27     return join([v:folddashes, lines_text, header_preview, section_name], ' ')
     28 endfunction
     30 setlocal foldexpr=DocTxtFoldExpr(v:lnum)
     31 setlocal foldtext=DocTxtFoldText()
     32 setlocal foldmethod=expr