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vimrc (1515B) [raw]

      1 " .vimrc -- the bare necessities
      2 filetype plugin indent on      " Enable filetype plugins/indentation
      3 syntax on                      " Syntax highlighting on
      4 set softtabstop=4              " <TAB> is 4 spaces (when expandtab set)
      5 set shiftwidth=4               " >> will indent 4 spaces
      6 set expandtab                  " Needed to replace <TAB> with spaces
      7 set autoindent                 " Indent carries over on new line
      8 set smarttab                   " Use shiftwidth for <TAB> and <BS>
      9 set hlsearch                   " Highlight searches
     10 set incsearch                  " Incrementally search
     11 set backspace=indent,eol,start " Backspace should function as expected
     12 set ttimeout                   " Timeout on esc keycodes
     13 set ttimeoutlen=30             " Low timeout to avoid <ESC> delay
     14 set modelines=0                " Disable modelines for security
     15 set history=10000              " Remember last 1000 :commands
     16 set scrolloff=3                " Scroll at 3 rows from edge of screen
     17 set wildmenu                   " Visual completion for command mode
     18 set showcmd                    " Show the command being typed
     19 set laststatus=2               " Always show the statusbar
     20 set noequalalways              " Don't resize split on open/close event
     21 set listchars=tab:>-,trail:~,space:.,eol:$  " Nicer whitespace
     22 set hidden                     " Allow unsaved buffers
     24 if v:progname =~# 'vim$'
     25     runtime! improved.vim        " put the IM in VIM
     26 elseif has('packages')
     27     set pp-=~/.vim
     28     set pp-=~/.vim/after
     29 endif