commit a48d214ef34111d82dd31bfa8efd21dfd71abb44 (patch)
parent b48f17b024e0dd4c4363c2a2329a7271a129dd79
Author: Alex Karle <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 23:49:41 -0400
doc: Add, a complete client reference
Here's to hoping @mbkarle will be able to put this to good use with a
phone app client :)
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1 file changed, 204 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+API Reference
+Interaction with the server is 100% done through websockets at the following
+ ws://HOST:PORT/play
+Client Actions
+Each message from a client should have the "action" key with one of the
+following values, along with additional info as needed.
+For example, `ping` would be `{ "action": "ping" }`.
+### Actions Outside a Table
+#### `ping`
+Tells the server you're still alive (15s without any message will result in
+being booted from the game).
+Response will be `{ "msg_type": "pong" }`.
+#### `join_table`
+- `table`: Required, table name to join (i.e. "Party")
+- `player_name`: Required, display name for table
+- `password`: Optional, password for table
+First player to join creates the table (with a password, if givin).
+Additional players are required to provide that password.
+`table` + `player_name` must be a unique combo on the server.
+Gamestate will be broadcasted to all players on success.
+#### `leave_table`
+Remove player from table (standing up out of seat if necessary).
+Hand is managed by game, so this is OK to call without destroying the
+game state.
+No response on success.
+#### `list_tables`
+WIP to enable a table discovery frontend. More info coming.
+### In-Game Messages
+Same as before, requiring the "action" property. On success, all actions
+[broadcast game state](#Server Responses) to all players (spectators and
+seated players alike).
+**NOTE:** All "Prerequisites" are handled by the server and need not be
+checked by the client. An error message will be given to the client if a
+prereq isn't met (ex: playing out of turn). This simplifies client creation
+#### `chat`
+- `msg`: Required, message to send to other players
+Responds with `{ "msg_type": "chat", "msg": "PLAYER: msg" }` to all players.
+#### `take_seat`
+- `seat`: Required, 0-3 integer, open seat to occupy
+#### `stand_up`
+If seated, moves player to spectator view
+#### `start_game`
+Kicks off the first deal and starts the game.
+- `start_seat`: Optional, -1-3. -1 means random starting player, 0-3
+ means that seat should be the first dealer.
+* Only valid during the `lobby` phase
+* 4 players must be seated
+#### `restart_game`
+Creates a new Game entirely (resets table, scores, hands, etc).
+* Only valid during the `end` phase
+#### `order`
+- `vote`: either suit ('H', 'D', 'S', 'C') or 'pass'
+- `loner`: 0 or 1
+Only accepted during the trump suit selection phase. Server handles
+validation of what suits can be nominated.
+* Must be player's turn to act.
+* Only valid during the `vote` phase
+#### `play_card`
+- `card`: two letter unique card. ex:
+ - 'NH' -- nine of hearts
+ - 'AS' -- ace of spades
+ - 'TD' -- ten of diamonds
+Server handles validation of whether the current player truly has that card
+(and whether it is legal to play, i.e. following suit).
+* Must be player's turn to act.
+* Only valid during the `play` phase
+#### `dealer_swap`
+- `card`: Same as `play_card`
+Swaps dealer's card with the kitty card (like `play_card`, server validates
+the card is in dealer's hand).
+* Must be the dealer
+* Only valid during the `dealer_swap` phase
+### Server Responses
+All server responses have the `msg_type` property, which the below sections
+all represent.
+#### `error`
+As mentioned above, the server handles most of the coordination logic for the
+clients (who's turn is it, do you have that card, etc). This prevents both
+malicious clients, and makes it easier to create a new client.
+In any case where an action was invalid for any reason, the server will
+respond to the client with an error:
+ { "msg_type": "error", "errno": N, "msg": "Foo" }
+"errno" is guaranteed to be unique and not change so that clients can
+write custom error handling. See [Euchre::Errors](lib/Euchre/ for
+the human readable constants.
+#### `game_state`
+This is the most common message from the server. It represents the game state,
+and is sent on every successful action from any player to all other players at
+the table (whether it's seat manipulation, cards played, etc)
+The response looks like this:
+ "msg_type": "game_state",
+ "game" : {
+ "dealer": 0
+ "hand_lengths": [ 5, 5, 5, 5 ],
+ "out_player": -1,
+ "pass_count": 0,
+ "phase": "vote",
+ "players": [ "Alex", "Chris", "Jennie", "Lydecke" ],
+ "spectators": [ "Matt", "Sammy" ],
+ "tricks": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
+ "trump": null,
+ "trump_nominee": "TS",
+ "turn": 1,
+ }
+ "hand": [ "TH", "JD", "KD", ... ],
+ "is_spectator": 0,
+Some general comments:
+* `dealer`, `out_player`, and `turn` are seat numbers, 0 indexed (`out_player` is
+ the partner of a loner, -1 if no loners)
+* `players` are the players names in order of seats
+* `hand` is only present for players in the game
+#### `chat`
+Broadcasted to all players at table with the contents of a `chat` action.
+Not logged on the server, only shown to clients that watch it.
+#### `pong`
+Response to `ping`. (Side note: I _know_ this isn't how one should properly
+handle ping/pong frames, but this is an MVP here and my first foray into
+websockets. It works!)