commit 482f0e2d957d1b1c114e3a833c4c358656688394 (patch)
parent 260a4e771a7abadab0c2bd3f04e3dad27284c2b9
Author: Alex Karle <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2022 11:26:11 -0400
scanner: Clean up main loop
In my 2am state, I had an unnecessary amount of internal looping
constructs I think. Carrying the state in the main loop and
consolidating all the in-* into one symbol feels / looks much cleaner.
M | scanner.scm | | | 90 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------- |
M | test.lox | | | 5 | ++++- |
2 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scanner.scm b/scanner.scm
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
(load "util.scm")
-(module scanner (scan make-token)
+(module scanner (scan)
(import scheme
(chicken base)
(chicken format))
-(define (make-token type lexeme literal line len)
+(define (make-token type lexeme literal line)
`((type ,type)
(lexeme ,lexeme)
(literal ,literal)
- (line ,line)
- (len ,len)))
+ (line ,line)))
(define (scan src fname)
(define (peek i)
@@ -30,45 +29,50 @@
; interpreter being instead what special tokens of arbitrary
; length we might be in (as well as the pointer).
- (define (get-tokens start line)
- ; Gets all tokens after start
- (let loop ((i start) (nline line) (in-comment #f) (in-string #f) (in-number #f) (in-identifier #f))
- (define (tok type len)
- ; helper to make a token and recurse -- todo is redefining slow? macro?
- (cons (make-token type (substring src i (+ i len)) #f nline len)
- (get-tokens (+ i len) nline)))
- (let ((c (peek i)) (n (peek (add1 i))))
- ;(printf "c: ~A, n: ~A, i: ~A, com: ~A\n" c n i in-comment)
- (if (not c)
- (list (make-token 'EOF "" #f line 0))
- (cond
- (in-comment (if (eq? #\newline c)
- (loop (add1 i) (add1 nline) #f #f #f #f)
- (loop (add1 i) nline #t #f #f #f)))
- (in-string #f)
- (in-number #f)
- (in-identifier #f)
- (else (cond
- ((eq? #\( c) (tok 'LEFT_PAREN 1))
- ((eq? #\) c) (tok 'RIGHT_PAREN 1))
- ((eq? #\{ c) (tok 'LEFT_BRACE 1))
- ((eq? #\} c) (tok 'RIGHT_BRACE 1))
- ((eq? #\, c) (tok 'COMMA 1))
- ((eq? #\. c) (tok 'DOT 1))
- ((eq? #\- c) (tok 'MINUS 1))
- ((eq? #\+ c) (tok 'PLUS 1))
- ((eq? #\; c) (tok 'SEMICOLON 1))
- ((eq? #\* c) (tok 'STAR 1))
- ((eq? #\! c) (if (eq? #\= n) (tok 'BANG_EQUAL 2) (tok 'BANG 1)))
- ((eq? #\= c) (if (eq? #\= n) (tok 'EQUAL_EQUAL 2) (tok 'EQUAL 1)))
- ((eq? #\< c) (if (eq? #\< n) (tok 'LESS_EQUAL 2) (tok 'LESS 1)))
- ((eq? #\> c) (if (eq? #\> n) (tok 'GREATER_EQUAL 2) (tok 'GREATER 1)))
- ((eq? #\/ c) (if (eq? #\/ n) (loop (add1 i) nline #t #f #f #f) (tok 'SLASH 1)))
- ((eq? #\space c) (loop (add1 i) nline #f #f #f #f))
- ((eq? #\tab c) (loop (add1 i) nline #f #f #f #f))
- ((eq? #\newline c) (loop (add1 i) (add1 nline) #f #f #f #f))
- (else (err (format "~A:~A:unexpected character: ~A" fname 0 c)) #f))))))))
- (get-tokens 0 1))
+ (define (get-tokens s i line in)
+ ; Gets all tokens after 'start', tracks state in i (current char), line, in
+ (define (tok type s2 i2)
+ ; Helper to make a token, cons it to our list, and recurse with fresh state
+ (cons (make-token type (substring src s2 (add1 i2)) #f line)
+ (get-tokens (add1 i2) (add1 i2) line #f)))
+ (let ((c (peek i)))
+ (if (not c)
+ (list (make-token 'EOF "" #f line))
+ (cond
+ ((eq? in 'comment) (if (eq? #\newline c)
+ (get-tokens (add1 i) (add1 i) (add1 line) #f)
+ (get-tokens s (add1 i) line 'comment)))
+ ((eq? in 'string) #f)
+ ((eq? in 'number) #f)
+ ((eq? in 'identifier) #f)
+ ((eq? in '=) (if (eq? #\= c) (tok 'EQUAL_EQUAL s i) (tok 'EQUAL s s)))
+ ((eq? in '>) (if (eq? #\> c) (tok 'GREATER_EQUAL s i) (tok 'GREATER s s)))
+ ((eq? in '<) (if (eq? #\< c) (tok 'LESS_EQUAL s i) (tok 'LESS s s)))
+ ((eq? in '!) (if (eq? #\= c) (tok 'BANG_EQUAL s i) (tok 'BANG s s)))
+ ((eq? in '/) (if (eq? #\/ c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line 'comment) (tok 'SLASH s s)))
+ (else (cond
+ ((eq? #\( c) (tok 'LEFT_PAREN s s))
+ ((eq? #\) c) (tok 'RIGHT_PAREN s s))
+ ((eq? #\{ c) (tok 'LEFT_BRACE s s))
+ ((eq? #\} c) (tok 'RIGHT_BRACE s s))
+ ((eq? #\, c) (tok 'COMMA s s))
+ ((eq? #\. c) (tok 'DOT s s))
+ ((eq? #\- c) (tok 'MINUS s s))
+ ((eq? #\+ c) (tok 'PLUS s s))
+ ((eq? #\; c) (tok 'SEMICOLON s s))
+ ((eq? #\* c) (tok 'STAR s s))
+ ((eq? #\! c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line '!))
+ ((eq? #\= c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line '=))
+ ((eq? #\< c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line '<))
+ ((eq? #\> c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line '>))
+ ((eq? #\/ c) (get-tokens s (add1 i) line '/))
+ ((eq? #\space c) (get-tokens (add1 i) (add1 i) line #f))
+ ((eq? #\tab c) (get-tokens (add1 i) (add1 i) line #f))
+ ((eq? #\newline c) (get-tokens (add1 i) (add1 i) (add1 line) #f))
+ (else (err (format "~A:~A:unexpected character: ~A" fname 0 c)) #f)))))))
+ (get-tokens 0 0 1 #f))
) ; end of module
diff --git a/test.lox b/test.lox
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
// this is a comment
+! ! !
+ {...}